Justice for Some, a daring creative endeavor, was in active repertory for 4 years.  Created alongside the global uprisings in 2011, this piece embodied the history and current climate of protest as it pertains to human rights and the political landscape. The over-arching goal was to promote dialogue, increase awareness, and encourage people to think critically. Topics such as marriage laws, body rights, gay teen suicide, political extremism, exploitation of women, human trafficking, disembodied protest, and media manipulation were addressed.  An evening performance that was both inspiring and unsettling emerged and was received with great success throughout the US, Canada, Mexico and Spain.  These are difficult issues that continue to be catalysts for conflict, in our communities worldwide.

Presenting polictical and social ideas in diverse venues to populations of many demographics continues to be a priority and Justice for Some became a catalyst to inspire this continued path of my creative work.  A short documentary featuring inFluxdance gives more information about the type of work I continue to create.